I’ll get right to it, the damage incurred as a result of a failed shower tile application can be greater than just topical, as a matter of fact it usually is and the damage quite extensive and expensive.
The level of impermeability of a shower surface is limited and dictated by more than the finishing. A shower “system” is comprised of several components be it pre-fabricated or hand prepped.
The integrity, plumb and level of a shower’s framework will have a direct effect on your finished product. Why you ask…
If there exists any flex or offset in the framework or substrate to which you are adding layers of progressively stiffer material, any and all flex or offset in both the framework and substrate will translate directly through the built-up layers and will finally terminate onto your tile which, as you know, is not meant to flex.
The results, to name a few, is cracking either as a compromise to the surface tension on the tile face itself, cracking at the grout joints or at the drain assembly.
It takes more than snap cutters and a grease pencil to advertise as a professional tiler. The professional tiling contractor will know and understand both the framework and the substrate. His knowledge goes beyond the tiles, he understands the drain system, the compatibility of prefabricated components, confill, the waterproofing systems, and last but not least the resilience and suitability of a stone’s surfaces for various applications.
The added cost in hiring true professionals who understand and navigate the complexities of tile systems will far outweigh the costs associated with dismantling an entire bathroom and neighboring units to reframe floors, walls, and doorways etc.
Do it right the first time and enjoy it for decades to come.